Blog & Stories

Floating With No Direction

I had no direction until a few years ago. In fact, I still feel that way sometimes. When I left the military, I was eager to start a new chapter in life. I didn’t need direction- all that mattered was that I was out and moving forward. I wasn’t sure what that would be, but...

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Comic Books and the Value of Storytelling

Growing up as an only child with separated parents, I had to find ways to occupy my time and entertain myself when I wasn’t out with other kids or a parent. I enjoyed legos, drawing, watching baseball and collecting cards, and playing video games, but my favorite was reading comic books. It was the one...

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Lance’s History

Growing Up Lance was born in Glendora, California, in Los Angeles County, where he spent his first seven years. After his parents split at age 7, he took to the road with his mother who moved and spent the rest of his childhood living in Orange County. However, his mother’s poor financial situation meant that...

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